Tag Archives: Engineer

Father Jose Moreno: Doctor, Engineer, Teacher, Jesuit Priest and NOW Poet and Lyricist

Father Jose Moreno:  Doctor, Engineer, Teacher, Jesuit Priest and NOW Poet and Lyricist

By Alan Eisenberg, Editor

Father Jose Moreno is the Jesuit priest at Our Lady of Guadalupe/St. Patrick’s Church, a largely Latino parish on the South Side of Milwaukee on seventh and Washington.  Born in Mexico City, Father Jose Moreno obtained both a master’s and doctorate degrees at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in biomechanical engineering that included research on developing mathematical models of the human body, and he came on a full scholarship.  Then he returned to Mexico City to become a Jesuit priest.  His resume is extremely diverse.  He has served as a Professor of Mathematics, a missionary, a textbook author and still has his own website: Mathematike.org!  He has been honored, praised, and prayed for.  He is both low keyed and well known, He is not just a man of the cloth, he is a man of God.  We can now add to his resume:  he is officially now a poet and a lyricist.  He has a prison ministry, and a project for Families of the Incarcerated.  First he composed a poem/prayer, and then he gave it to several prison inmates because it was pertinent to their lives.  One of the prisoners surprised Moreno by setting it to music.  Then he took the words and music to his church children’s choir.

These are a part of the wonderful words: I will be a messenger of your peace . . .When I find hatred and revenge, I will bring your love . . .In fights and divisions, I will offer forgiveness and reconciliation . . .When I find doubts and problems, I will share my faith . . . In sadness and sorrow, I will be a sign of joy and friendship . . .I will bring hope and truth . . My life will be a sign of light.   

The music was then performed and recorded.  A CD was produced, and this amazing piece along with nine others are now for sale as a church fundraiser and can be purchased at the church after Mass every Sunday or at the rectory office.  Father Moreno’s sermons are wonderful, and he exhibits a great sense of humor. Heavenly music by a heavenly  children’s choir composed by a Jesuit priest is now for sale!  The cost is only $10 and will make a wonderful Easter gift!

 Father Jose Moreno serves as pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe/St. Patrick Catholic Church, but his other projects range from prison ministry to writing math books.